
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Power of passion!

Employers crib about this requirement over and over again. "We want employees who are passionate in what they do." Yet, majority of the job aspirants fail to see the requirement. I can understand this to a certain extent that it may not work for all of us at ISB. We all have sacrificed a number of things and we all have big loans waiting to be repayed. In my view, these are minor issues when compared to what you really want to do with our lives. We all have a great future and we can achieve this only if we have a long term view. If we don't follow our passion now, when will be our next chance?

In my view any employer looks for the following:

  1. Does the aspirant have enough technical skills?
  2. Does he have the right attitude?
  3. Will he be committed if I give the offer?
  4. Is he passionate about the nature of the job?

Many of us concentrate on technical skills. Technical skills required for the job are important and necassary. Unfortunately, they are not enough. Finding a job aspirant's Technical skills is the easiest part.

You may be technically really good but if you are not having a positive attitude you are not going to get your dream job. I have listed some of them:

  1. Emotional maturity.
  2. Accepting weaknesses and willingness to work on them.
  3. Quest for knowledge. Learning never stops.
  4. Assertive Communication skills.

Commitment is a little bit difficult to find out in a ninterview. If the aspirant finds out that employer is asking questions on commitment he will answer what the employer wants to hear. Employers will generally resort to creative ways of finding out if the aspirant is really committed. You may be fit technically and you may also have a positve attitude but may fail to go further because of commitment issues.

Passion is the most difficult to find out during interviews. I don't believe you can really find this during a one hour interview. The only way to find out whether somebody is passionate in what she is doing is to look at her achievements. If you are truly passionate you will find ways to improve on other areas.

If you have convinced prospective employers that you are passionate about the job, it is very likely that you got the job. In case, you have all the four elements, you've got a killer combination. Think about it.


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